Compile the Financial Literacy Survey for Young Migrant and Refugee Women – Together For Youth

Compile the Financial Literacy Survey for Young Migrant and Refugee Women

T4Y is working on a needs analysis for the presentation of an EU project for the empowerment of young migrant and refugee women. This survey only concerns young migrant and refugee women. If you do not fall into this category, please do not complete the survey. For this study, young people are defined as being between 16 and 29 years old.

This survey can be conducted in English, Estonian, French, Spanish, Ukrainian or Italian. At the top right of the survey page, you can choose the language.

The objective of the survey is:
-Discover the socio-economic profile of young migrant and refugee women, so as to compare it later with the current state of their knowledge and skills in financial literacy.
-Classify important attributes of financial literacy that are desirable for young migrant and refugee women
-Study the current level of skills possessed by young migrant and refugee women.
-Identify the existing gap in financial literacy and suggest ways to reduce it.

This survey is anonymous.

The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asks for it.